You might often feel too caught up in the sex rage. You want to get it on like that mythical beast, that God of the labyrinth. You want to please one woman after another, making them all moan in ecstasy. But alas, the real world does not let you fulfill these dreams. Heck, the real world can be cruel and unforgiving, and you know it. Forget pleasing one woman after another; you may not even be able to please yourself fully! No, masturbation did not cut, as it could not carry you for longer than five minutes straight! So, what’s the refuge?
The Rage of the Man Calmed Down
Where do you even satisfy all that rage and hunger for wild sex? Where do you meet the woman who, in her wild desires, takes you in right down to the end of your manhood? As you imagine and slap the ham incoherently, you suddenly remember the AI porn game adventure. Yes, that’s where all the wildest fantasies come true, night after night. There, you can see the porn star of fantasies take the women on the ride as you try hard to keep up with the tempo. That’s the sex that you intend to get worked in the virtual world, and it’s right here.
Sex with Powerful Women
Play the porn game with all your masculinity on the tip of your mind, and as the night converges into the day, you find that there’s no end to it. The avatar is free to be what he wants to be, and you can feel that heavy breath hovering over you. You see her, and you cannot believe her body. She is made of the most powerful fetishes that you can ever conjure.
Her lust heaves and humps in her lusty breasts, her thin waist, and her luscious mouth. You feel tempted to get within her, and the only way you can do that is to be part of that story. It’s the story of your life, trying to fulfill another man’s shoes, and all your desires come true in the AI world. With a gaping hole in your soul, you watch the man make good with the woman, and you are a part of it.